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A.L.E: Atari 2600 Learning Environment

Note: Atari 2600 Learning Environment is now called the The Arcade Learning Environment and the official page is moved here .


A.L.E (Atari 2600 Learning Environment) is a simple object-oriented framework that allows researchers and hobbyists to develop AI agents for Atari 2600 games. Built on top of Stella, the popular Atari 2600 emulator, the goal of A.L.E is to separate the AI development from the low-level details of Atari 2600 games and the emulation process.


  • A simple object-oriented framework for developing new AI agents and adding new games.
  • A.L.E uncouples the emulation core from the rendering and sound generation modules of Stella. This enables fast emulation on clusters with minimum library dependencies.
  • Automatic extraction of the game score and the end of the game for 54 Atari 2600 games. The full list of these games is provided in List of Currently Supported Games
  • Multi-platform: A.L.E has been compiled and tested under OS X and a number of Linux distributions. It should also compile via Visual Studio in Windows, but it has not been tested yet.
  • Enables AI agents developed in any language to communicate with the emulation core via FIFO pipes. There is also a Python code-base included, to demonstrate the use of FIFO Pipes and provide some basic tools for collecting and managing samples from games. To take full advantage of the A.L.E features, however, the agents should be implemented in C++.
  • Additional tools for saving screenshots, exporting and plotting vectors, etc.

Download and Install

The A.L.E source code can be downloaded from here. A.L.E is released under GNU General Public License. This package includes a makefile which compiles A.L.E. under *NIX operating systems.


Running the Current Agents

In the A.L.E framework, there is always an agent running in given a game. The agent is specified using -player_agent [agent] option. To specify a game, the name of its ROM file should be entered as the last argument. For A.L.E to detect the correct game settings, a specific ROM name should be used for each game. You can find the list of valid ROM names in List of Currently Supported Games.

The simplest way to run A.L.E is by specifying a player-agent and a ROM file. For example, the following command will run the Random Agent on the game Freeway::
> ./ale -player_agent random_agent  freeway.bin
To actually see what the agent is doing in the game, you need to tell A.L.E to export screenshots from the game::
> ./ale -player_agent random_agent -export_frames_frq 1 freeway.bin
You can also tell A.L.E to export the received rewards. The following command will export the rewards received by the Random Agent every 100 episodes:
> ./ale -player_agent random_agent -export_frames_frq 1 -export_rewards_frq 100 freeway.bin Both rewards-per-frame and rewards-per-episode are exported as CSV text files.
A list of all options can be accessed using:
> ./ale -help

Developing a New Agent

A new AI agent is developed by extending the PlayerAgent class. Each new agent needs to implement the following three functions:
  • virtual Action on_start_of_game(void)

    This method is called at the beginning of each game, on the frame in which the player starts acting in the game. It can be used to setup the AI agent for a new episode.

  • virtual void on_end_of_game(void)

    This method is called when the game ends. The superclass implementation in PlayerAgent takes care of counting number of episodes and saving the reward history, and should always be called from the derived classes.

  • virtual Action agent_step(  const IntMatrix* screen_matrix, const IntVect* console_ram, int frame_number)

    The agent is given a 2D array of the color indices in the current game screen and the contents of the console RAM, and it needs to decide the next action based on the desired algorithm. The implementation in the superclass takes care of resetting the game at the end, skipping the initial animation frames, pressing the first action (if defined), and counting frame numbers. It should be called from all the derived classes. As an example, here is the agent_step implementation for RandomAgent, an agent that acts randomly in all games:

    Action RandomAgent::agent_step( const IntMatrix* screen_matrix,
                                    const IntVect* console_ram, int frame_number) {
        Action special_action = PlayerAgent::agent_step(screen_matrix,
                                                        console_ram, frame_number);
        if (special_action != UNDEFINED) {
            return special_action;  // The game is in the initial delay, or resetting
        Action rand_action = choice <Action> (p_game_settings->pv_possible_actions);
        return rand_action;

    Note that when PlayerAgent::agent_step returns an action other than UNDEFINED, the derived class should return that action.

To make a new agent accessible from the command prompt, it needs to be declared in the PlayerAgent::generate_agent_instance function:

if (player_agent == "random_agent") {
    cout << "Game will be controlled by Random Agent" << endl;
    new_agent = new RandomAgent(_game_settings, _osystem);

Adding a New Game

To add a new game to the list of recognizable games, its properties (such as available actions, name of the ROM file, and number of initial animation frames) should be declared by defining a new class that extends the GameSettings class. This class should also implement the following two methods:
  • float get_reward( const IntMatrix* screen_matrix, const IntVect* console_ram)

    Extracts the reward from either the current screen matrix or the console RAM.

  • bool is_end_of_game(const IntMatrix* screen_matrix, const IntVect* console_ram, int frame_counter)

    Detected the end of the game either based on the current screen matrix or the content of the console RAM

Once the new class is definied, its ROM name needs to be added to GameSettings::generate_game_Settings_instance

Communicating with A.L.E via FIFO pipes

If you prefer to develop an AI agent in a language other than C++, A.L.E allows you to communicate with the emulation core via FIFO (Named) Pipes. To enable FIFO pipes, use the -game_controller fifo option. Before running A.L.E though, two FIFo pipes need to be created:
  • ale_fifo_out (A.L.E writes its output to this pipe and the third-party program reads its input from here)
  • ale_fifo_in (The third-party program writes its output to this pipe, and A.L.E reads its input from here)
In *NIX based operating systems, these pipes can be generated using the mkfifo command::
  • > mkfifo ale_fifo_out
  • > mkfifo ale_fifo_in
Now, we can run A.L.E:
> ./ale -game_controller fifo [other options] [ROM file]

A.L.E will show the introduction text and then wait for another program to start communicating with it through the pipes.

For an example of communicating with A.L.E through the FIFO pipes, look at in the fifo_sample directory. Bellow we will go through the communication step by step:

1- After running A.L.E, the first step is to open the pipes. FIFO pipes can be opened and read / written to like generic files:

fin  = open('ale_fifo_out')
fout = open('ale_fifo_in', 'w')

Note that ale_fifo_out is opened for reading from and ale_fifo_in is opened to write into.

2- The first data that A.L.E sends through the pipes is the height and width of the game screen separated with a - (dash):

str_in = fin.readline()
str_in_split = str_in.split('-')
width = int(str_in_split[0])
height = int(str_in_split[1])
3- A.L.E will then wait for the third-party program to send it three pieces of information:
  1. Whether the game screen should be sent on every frame.
  2. Whether the console RAM should be sent on every frame.
  3. Whether A.L.E should skip frames. That is, instead of sending the game info on every frame and wait for a new action, send the game info every k frames and repeat the given action for another k frames.

This information should be written to ale_fifo_in as comma-separated integer values:

fout.write("%d,%d,%d\n"%(update_screen_matrix, update_console_ram, skip_frames_num))

4- Now, we enter the main loop of the game. On each new frame, A.L.E writes the contents of the game screen and console RAM to ale_fifo_out and waits until the third-party agent writes an action for each of the two players on ale_fifo_in. This loop continues until the game ends.

Note that A.L.E does not send the complete game matrix on every step. It only sends the i,j values and the new color index for the pixels that have changed color in the current frame. See gen_ram_array and update_screeen_matrix functions in for an illustration of how to read the content of the screen matrix and console RAM from the string block sent by A.L.E.

The actions chosen by the third-party AI agent should be written on ale_fifo_in as comma-separated integer values:

fout.write("%d,%d\n"%(player_a_action, player_b_action))

The integer value for the valid actions are listed in common_constants.h located in src/player_agents directory.

Demo Videos


A.L.E is developed by Yavar Naddaf, based on the Stella source code, as part of his Masters thesis work under the supervision of Michael Bowling. The full text of the thesis can be downloaded here: Learning to Play Generic Atari 2600 Games.